
You've found the blog for Sandlewood Op Shop.
We are a small not-for-profit shop in Moorooka (Brisbane) run by volunteers.
Profits from the shop go towards our work with disadvantaged and less fortunate members of the community to help make their lives brighter.
We look forward to seeing you at the shop!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Do you op shop til you drop?

Sandlewood Op Shop is planning it's first ever Op Shopping Tour!

This fundraising event will allow us to provide much needed help to our most disadvantaged clients.

• Join us on Saturday February 23rd for a fun hosted op shop tour in Brisbane South.

Bus departs Garden City at 8.30am
returning at 1pm.

• Morning tea snacks supplied

(byo drinks)

• Lucky door prize; fund raising raffle

• $55 per person ($25 deposit required) Booking essential as there are limited places!

Contact desley@sandlewoodprojects.com.au for further info.

Back to school...

I know personally, with 2 children in school this year (and only one income) it's going to cost us a motza to put our children into school this year!

Even though my girls both will attend a local Public School, book lists alone for the 2 girls this year topped $350, uniforms about $300 each (only buying basics) and decent school shoes around $80-120 per child.  That isn't including the Compulsory levy of $100 per child.  Hello New Year, buh-bye all the money I had in the bank.  

At a local Public High School where a young refugee boy will be starting high school it will cost his single mum $415 for their resource levy, and about the same again in uniforms ... that is without the book list.  

We are trying to help out some of our most disadvantaged clients with the increasing costs of our "free" education system.  

One of our lovely supporters, Erin from Repeated Originals has kindly donated to us this stunning Vintage Bridal Gown, to try and raise funds for the cause.

Desley has described the dress as "The guipure lace is wonderful quality and the two garments are in wonderful condition.  The guipure lace is European (maybe swiss) cotton guipure and would cost close to $1,000 to replace" 

The measurements are :
Bust 34"
Waist to 29"
Hips to 36"
Approx height to 5'4" - however the sheath dress does have generous side seams for alterations of up to 2" and the hem can go down about another inch comfortably.

We have listed it on eBay and would really appreciate it if you could share it with all your vintage loving friends.

Here is the :

Link for Vintage Swiss Guipure Lace Wedding Dress and Coat